Chapter 1.9

Hello! Welcome back to the Lockwood’s! We’re transitioning to Emily’s reign and I have an apartment downloaded from the gallery, but it’s really expensive. So we need to earn a lot of money before we can afford it and move…

So Emily jumps right on the painting!

And Pierce and Suki get to writing.

Book royalties can be VERY lucrative.

And we only have one easel…

Suki’s very first book was apparently nominated for an award.

Help me to remember to go to this

This is a GREAT place to nap, Rhea

*flashback to Mojo saying book royalties can be lucrative*

Emily got the early graduation pop-up, and I TOTALLY said yes! This will give us so much more time for painting!

Rhea likes to hang out with Pierce while he’s writing his books

It’s cute

Oh and now Pierce is nominated for an award.

Now we have to go, just to see who’s better, Pierce or Suki

lol Suki is a maker now because of all the writing

Pierce has burnout and doesn’t want to do “creative” things, so we’re going to do some hacking in the meantime

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this whim before… that’s interesting. Too bad Suki is HAPPY lol the exact opposite

…………….Now Pierce won’t do anything because he’s too tense. Boo

So plan C is to have him cook a bunch of crap and I use the handy dandy money trashcan

each of those plates is worth 50 simonleons. That’s like $450 for an 8 serving meal lol

Hey look! It’s Emily’s first masterpiece!

Oh no! Rhea!

I’m not surprised though… The kitties are getting the short end of this money making chapter…

Oh weird. We’re not doing anything with music so this wasn’t something that I was expecting

Rook has taken Rhea’s spot while she’s away


Who invited you!?

Rhea’s back!


Emily is officially a Young Adult! We’re still about 40K short of affording the apartment (it’s expensive…… whoops) So we’re just going to keep on making the money for the rest of this chapter and officially get started on Emily’s generation in the next chapter.

DAMN IT PIERCE! We don’t have time for a break!

Okay really? Rook that is not a great spot to be. Especially when Suki has a KNIFE

Ummmm… I don’t really care about how much interest Octavia has earned.

Look at all the food just waiting to earn me money

OoooOOOOoooO Emily’s an art lover now!


Oh nooooo! Rook is an elder kitty now!

Um… sure. I didn’t know that you two knew each other

Nice. She came over and broke our sink.


Yeah! You get her, Rhea! She deserves it!

oooooooh! Steamy!

And now Suki is ambitious! Woo it’s the power of writing!

Oh crap. I forgot that Suki is a vegetarian….

noooooooo! This is the opposite of what we’re trying to do!

Now I have to make up an extra 1000 simoleons!


RIP clone Gemma from my not-so-berry

The computers keep breaking and now Pierce likes handiness lol

Rhea catches up to Rook and becomes and elder kitty

Well, that’s it. $75,000 in 5 days! We can officially move to San Myshuno!

Woo! Moving!

Welcome to your new home, Lockwood’s!

Oh… Rhea looks unsure about this lol

Oh, we have laundry now… That’s fun lol

And now that we’ve moved to the big city, it’s time to get a city living job!

So we joined the Social Media career. I think we’ll join the Public Relations branch. She looks like she’ll be good in PR lol

And we got an immediate work assignment.

Off to a bar we go, I guess

There wasn’t even a bartender when we got there

How do you just have a bar with no bartender?

Gordon got a new job AND a new dog!

Mason (from my DITFT) is our neighbor! He’s here for the welcome wagon!

…are you good, bro?

Pierce decided to serenade Suki in the bathroom.

How romantic.

Suki… That’s like a new microwave. No one’s even used it. I don’t think it’s dirty

More serenading!? Really?!

Love is in the air!

Hey look! Preggers Gordon came over!

Someone left food on the floor for the cats.

It’s a good thing that Rhea knows better

Oh nice! Now we’re clumsy

Got this notification before getting dinner, but Gordon had his baby! Welcome to the family, Nathaniel!


Why don’t I find anyone with fun names likes that when I’m actually spouse hunting?


Oh goody. More fun work place uniforms lol

Apparently this apartment comes with a maid.

An angry maid.


Rhea’s sick again. I swear, Rook doesn’t get sick, but Rhea gets sick alllllll the time!

Hey look! Emily got a promotion on her first day of work!

At least she’s got a more cohesive work outfit now.

End of the rotation comes along and it’s time to move on. Enjoy your freedom, for now!

See ya next time!


Chapter 1.8

Hello hello! And welcome back to the Lockwoods! I’d like to introduce you to our heir, Emily! Her birthday isn’t until next chapter though, so we still have one more week on the “farm”


Let’s see the voting breakdown:

Blog VotesBoolProp VotesTotal Votes

The votes were actually tied for a long time before Emily pulled ahead right at the end

There’s nothing like loading into the house and finding out that one of your cats is sick.

*gives wellness treat*

We also have a floating homework

I switched Pierce’s aspiration to country caretaker and got a cow. That’s part of the “farm life” right?

So we may end up spending a bit of time in Henford-on-Bagley for this reason.

But hey, it’ll give us something to do this week!

I’ve never had a cow before. This is freaking adorable

Oh, also, I’ve named her Veeta

…How?! We have cats! And he was busy talking to BIRDS when this came up!

I mean, sure you can be a dog lover, because we never say no. But why is it not cat lover? lol


Oh this is good! Not that we were going to do ANY sort of gardening in the next gen, but now Emily won’t even want too!

I have a theory that sims lose their dynamics when you play a different house hold.

That’s the only reason I can think of that I keep getting these lol

…it’s not true, but it sure feels like it lol

Hey! Look at that! Gordon’s going to graduate early!

Not that it really matters…

It’s his cake day anyway lol

(the game didn’t want to pause for me when he was blowing out the candles. Rude)

And we said goodbye to Gordon! Have fun on the outside!

ummm, can sims purchase animals on their own? because I didn’t tell Emily to do this…

But i guess if she wants an animal…

We got her a goat

Everyone meet Pepper

Gordon adopted a kiddo!

And again the next night lol

I dunno who did it, but I am not impressed

Just so you know, I’m still annoyed with the gardening lol

Suki! Why?!

Since Emily will have to join a city living career, she’s been working on her charisma.

Woo! We finally got our prefect crop for our aspiration and we can stop the gardening!

They’re BFFs now. It’s so cute!

Nothing like having a Finchwick Fair in a thunderstorm

lol, Pierce is having a midlife crisis

Yay! The sun came our while we were at the fair!

This kid has a future as a food critic…


Goodness, the kids are savage!

We won a competition! Woo!

We’re awesome!

AND we completed our Caretaker aspiration!

Pierce was busy this week lol

And now Gordon has a cat!

I wonder where he stole that name from…

4am rolls around and the whole house is sound sleep. All is right in the world

Join us next time for the official start of Emily’s reign! And a move to the big city!


Chapter 1.7

Hello! And welcome back to my Lifestyle Legacy! We’re all outside looking watching the rain.

Perfectly normal thing to do at 4am on a Sunday

… I forgot about our farm.

I hate it.

Make it go away

Who gave Gordon a hammer? Because Gordon doesn’t want a hammer.

Or a drill.

Or a wrench.

Or just anything handy

oh noooooooo… wHaT hApPeNeD tO tHe FaRm?!

oh noooooo…… /s

Larry is a MENACE! Someone keep him away from the furniture!

Ummm. I’m pretty sure Jane has ran away.

But I don’t have a notification for it.


Oh. Just kidding. I just had to call her over? Weird.

Look at Emily just grilling away on our grill that I’ve just realized is clipping through the wall.


Good luck, random townie guy!

What is this black stuff? I’ve never seen this before.

Gardening is so glitched and I want it fixed SO BAD

… I can’t do it anymore.

There are sooooooo many cats lol

So we said goodbye to Jane and Larry. So we back to two cats.

I was going to put Rook up for adoption too, but then I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

So it’s just Rook and Rhea

Also, this guy (Mr. Ian Robles) tried to make a cake while taking Jane away.

And then he decided to commandeer our computer.

And then he did push ups and left.

Then BAAKO JANG came over to pick up Larry and ALSO tried to make a cake

And then HE hopped on our computer and then did push up and then left.

Is this a routine? Like would Nancy Landgraab come and do the same things if we wanted rehome Rook?!

So weird!

Sorry, Lady. But we have to work in 30 minutes

Oh? Good for you, my guy!

Rook and Rhea have been on this bench all afternoon just taking turns napping and watching each other.

It was kinda cute ❤

Oh nooooooo! Rhea’s sick!


Hey look! Pierce completed another aspiration! Woohoo!

I never really play with the gardening career, so I can’t remember ever seeing this pop up before! But it’s soooo fun!

Let’s offer cake

lolololol oops. Sorry Pierce! That’s a sneaky cowplant!

Go for it, my dude! (whoever you are)

Look at everyone just hanging out outside.

Except for Suki.

Who’s sleeping

Suki started getting dazed from mental burnout, so we bought an easel to give her a creative outlet

It our first bit of Growing Together gameplay! I can’t believe it took us until 7pm Friday night to get anything lol

Look at them just chillin’ by the fire pit. It looks so cozy and I’m super jealous

Now we’ve opened the Growing Together floodgates lol

And obviously, it’s jokesters lol


He made us a cake.


Oh look! Another dynamic! At least it’s not jokesters!

It’s still really funny that I haven’t gotten any of these pop ups until the rotation is almost over lol

Oh noooooo! We have some dead plants! We’re horrible farmers

Damn Suki, you clean the toilet ONE TIME and now you’re neat?

Seems legit

I’m sorry, Huntsman, but we’re a bit busy to go to the romance festival

Busy actually tending to our garden.

Since that’s part of the whole “generation one” thing lol

NOOOOOOOOO! I just tended the stupid garden!


awweeeeeeee! How cute is that?! Rhea and Pierce forever!

4am Sunday rolls around again and everyone is sleeping. Even the kitties!

And that brings us to the end of this chapter! Aaaand since Gordon has a birthday next time we play this family, it’s also time for an heir poll!

So, click THIS LINK to go to the heir poll page!

See ya next time!


Chapter 1.6

*note: I played this before the infant update/growing together

Hello hello! It’s 4am Sunday and we’re starting our rotation in the Lockwood Lifestyle Legacy! Wooooooooo!

First things first was to send everyone to bed because it’s sleep time lol

Even the kitties!

Well, except Jane… Who is, in fact, destroying our chair.

We finally built our “farm” that’s needed for the first generation lol

So many randos asking my sims for friends.

I don’t really care!

What a nice night to enjoy outside on the patio! So fun!

I got a notification that Emily was skipping school and I was so confused. Until the pop up saying that she aged up came on screen.

SO here she is after her makeover!

Oh… my… god… OUR FARM!

It took me half a sim day to get the garden fixed!

RHEA! That’s MY spaghetti!

Go for it, Rando Sim!

Our kitties are NAUGHTY in this chapter!

Oh! I finally gave Emily’s room a makeover!

The cats are hovering around their empty food bowls. Because I forgot to refill… whoops

I guess we missed the fact that it was “wear your letterman jacket” day lol

Ooohf. Rough day, Emily, rough day.

Back home, Gordon was crying in the closet.

Because he has “unfulfilled dreams” like EVERY other sim.

So Ima delete it

I have regrets…

This is too much lol

Oh Rhea… What happened!? Quick get the wellness treats!

Now that Emily is a teen, she has to get started on her charisma skill for her future career!

Not Pierce eating and watching TV in Em’s room lol

I can’t even…

MAYRA! NO! You can’t have anymore kids! You already have your 2! And you’re not allowed to have more than that!

Oooooooh! Jordan asked us to the Romance festival!

Yes! Let’s go!

Oh my! That’s soooo cute!

Glad to know that Gordon has a spouse locked in if he’s selected as heir lol

Though I think I prefer Emily lol

This lady just WHIPPED out a violin lol

And then this guy whipped out a guitar!

People at the Romance festival just setting the mood with the music lol

4am rolls around and all the human sims are asleep while the cats are getting their zoomies on.

So next time, we’ll maybe work on getting Emily a future spouse and maybe some skill work for the next generation. And maybe an heir poll! (Okay, not maybe. We will be having an heir poll next time lol)


Chapter 1.5

Hello! And welcome back to a new chapter of my Lifestyle Legacy! Look at little Gordon getting excited about our frog collection!

Too bad it’s not a complete collection!


We start this chapter off with a birthday! C’mon Suki, join the adults!

Look at her! She’s rockin’ the new life stage!

As someone who looks through microscopes on a daily basis, I can relate to this lol

Everyone meet the newest member of our family, Rook! I’ve never played with the mating in cats and dogs, and we have the space in the house… So we’re going to have kittens!

Oh Pierce… hunny, no. Maybe try the bed?

I’ve literally never done this! THIS IS SO GREAT!

Oh yay!

I don’t even know how long pets are pregnant in this game

I guess we’ll find out!

Rook is frisky. Which basically means he has the zoomies 24/7

Sure, knock yourself out Akira. I don’t think it’ll work though.

I’m sorry, but this might be a pet legacy now. They’re just so cute and I can’t stop following them around and taking pictures!


And both Pierce and Suki are at work…

Everyone meet Jim and Jane! The newest family members!

They look exactly like Rook… lol

I did give one of them up though. I want to have Rhea and Rook have another kitten, so we needed space.

And Jim is a complete clone of Rook. Jane at least has Rhea’s fluffy fur and face shape with Rooks coloring.

So we had to say good bye to Jim.

Pierce got his final promotion! He’s at the max of his career! Woohoo!!

Birthday time!

Look at that cutie!

He’s ready to take the reins!

…If he wins the heir poll that is…

Rhea and Jane are NOT fans of the oven.

Rook, on the other hand, is on his way to sit and watch Suki cook

Oh come on, not on the counters! We eat there!

This may look like a scary attack photo, but I promise they’re just playing around.

At least I hope so

Suki… I think Rhea wants your veggie dog…

Woo! Kitten incoming!

As a teen, it was time for Gordon to have a more “teen” looking room

Would you look at that! We’ve completed the Frog collection!


Since the next heir needs to do a city living career, and most of them require the charisma skill, so Gordon is working on that to give him a head start.

Emily will do it to when she ages up.

Want to give both of them a head start.


I didn’t even know we had a NAP that required the eco inspector. So we deleted the sim and the NAP.

Kitten time!! Woo!

Welcome to the family, Larry!

So I switched around the cubes that kept disappearing into our inventory with the upper cabinet parts and now they don’t disappear.


It’s Summerfest so no one has to go to work or school. And I found them hanging out in the living room for some family time! How cute!

We have an outdoor patio now! Woohoo!

Jane aged up! She’s s full kitty now!

Rook and Larry just hanging out watching Gordon cook.

They reeeeeeally love the stoves lol

Gordon’s birthday was on Monday but it took us until Thursday to have our first day of high school lol

We missed the uniform memo…

Oh man… Tate’s not at career day this time! So sad!

Don’t look so bored, Gordon! Your classmate is cute! You should chat her up!

Spoiler: I’ve already decided that she’s going to be his spouse lol

Larry aged up! Look at the little fluff ball! He’s got Rhea’s fur and coloring and Rook’s face structure and eyes.

Quite the mix!

Oh no! Rooky! Not the red nose and paws!!

*buys wellness treats*

Hey look who came home from school with Gordon!

Look happier, Gordon! You’re gonna marry this girl!

Mr. Grumpy pants gets over his issues long enough to be able to make some moves on Jordan

They did end up boyfriend and girlfriend before Jordan left so we were successful with our moves

Oh my god, Emily! I’ve been completely neglecting you this chapter!

To be fair, she hasn’t done much except homework, a school project, go to school, eat and sleep.

So she was pretty boring…

But she starts high school next week, so hopefully she’ll be more interesting lol

More Emily: Pierce helps Emily with her homework. Well technically it’s extra credit because the girl is a homework addict and does her homework autonomously so I don’t have to tell her to do it

Hey Suki, maybe instead of researching the plants, you TEND the plants? Huh? I see some trees that need some tending.


We don’t even HAVE an urn!

This is Suki’s ex-coworker. So obviously we said yes

Oh no! Poor Pierce!

I guess this is what happens when I making him use the



I wasn’t actually planning on going… But now! Sign me up!

Gemma, please! We can’t be traveling to the Romance festival! We have prom!

CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Naughty Rhea!

About time! Now we have to get the rest of the cats to learn this…

Oh man… we’re ALL just struggling right now…

Prom time! Look at how cute they are!

We headed to the pier for the after prom party and ended up seeing Chris there! Hi Chris!

I mean, we can’t go to the pier without taking a ride, ya know?

Boy, you KNOW you two have already “messed around” right? Just kiss her already!

“start of something special”


Not like they weren’t already together

Morgan gave an impromptu violin performance.

This guy was not impressed

Mr. Squinty eyes

I’m absolutely LOVING the colors on the water!

Uhhhh, Wolfgang? What are you doing?

Back home, Emily is being a SUPER CREEPY STALKER.

This is the scariest thing I’ve seen

Put up our prom photos! ❤

4am Sunday rolls around and the boys are sleeping and the girls are having a late night hangout session. And the cats are just all over the place.

So that brings us to the end of this chapter. Which turned out a lot longer then I had anticipated lol but join us next time for a couple birthdays, more school, more gardening, and maybe a new completed collection? You’ll have to come back to find out!


Chapter 1.4

Hello and welcome back to my Lifestyle Legacy! I loaded them up only for PIERCE TO BE BURNING TO DEATH?! THE HELL!?

Gordon is just calmly eating breakfast in the back.

Suki is in the basement with Emily, giving her food.

Then I noticed that she has this moodlet.

What was HAPPENING in this family while I was gone?!

Then I went to look at the cow plant and found that it’s dead.

Whatever it got from Suki didn’t agree with it at all lol

And for some reason, we’re missing a bunch of trees?

Seriously, what happened here?


What is up with this game?!

Hey Gordon, maybe don’t antagonize the undead cowplant…

We had an alien invasion ONE TIME in my Not-So-Berry family and now there are aliens everywhere

Gordon sneaks into mom and dad’s room to play in their closet and it’s the cutest thing lol

I, once again, forgot that one of my sims is vegetarian… Yikes

ummmmm. why are you in my house?

Go away

Vlad came to our door…

Nothing happened. He just stood there for awhile and then walked away.

So this is when I downloaded a mod that allows vampire break ins because I honestly miss that chaos


Pierce got a promotion! Woohoo!

Emily is hangry so she went on an angry walk around the house.


I may have forgotten about Emily’s birthday… But she seems surprisingly okay with it!

We headed to the park so that Emily could play on a Jungle Gym for her aspiration. And we met some familiar faces! Hi Krypton and Axel! (Krypton the red head, is from my Legendary Legacy and Axel is from my Name Game challenge)

Also, if you look closely, you can see Noah Pierce’s legs hanging off the monkey bars! (Noah is from my DITFT family)

I love playing all these different families in one save and then seeing them around the world! So neat!

We headed back home and we then got back to work on Gordon’s aspiration.

Also, Hi Gert in the background!

We moved the desk and computer downstairs and we finally got a TV.

The area is not finished (it desperately needs a rug and wall deco) but we ran out of money.

Literally. We’re down to $15

Um. What is going on here?

Good. I reset it and it’s back to normal.

But it had died. So how it’s living again… I have NO idea

Yay! We can actually sit and talk somewhere normal in our living room! Which is ACTUALLY a living room now!

Finally got some extra money to do a thing.

TBH I don’t play with the modular stuff like ever. So this was fun.

I think the last time I did this was in my Drifter save a while back.


Well okay. If it’s for work…

Well we didn’t die. So there’s that.

I feel like lilsimsie. Testing my sim’s abilities to stay alive

Look! It is possible for kids to do homework at a desk!

Suki got a promotion!




Pizza Guy: Uhhh… I’m just delivering a pizza…


Fun Fact: This is the first time that I’ve ordered a pizza and it worked lol the one and only other time that I ordered Pizza, we never got it.

DAMN IT! It was a pepperoni pizza. I forgot about Suki being a vegetarian AGAIN! That’s twice in this chapter! I am a TERRIBLE watcher lol

Ah, Suki? Why do you always eat the cake? Are you trying to die?

Emily, I don’t think that this is the right place to be playing with your toys. That’s your mommy and daddy’s bathroom…

It’s springfest! I wish the flower bunny would drop off flowers that I don’t already have in our garden…

I saw this cute kitty roaming the hood and she’s a stray. So I’m going to try and adopt her!

I don’t think she likes us. She chased us around for a bit. It said “hostile chase”

That does not bode well for us

After paying for a trillion treats, she finally is letting us actually get to know her lol

We will have to try again tomorrow to get her into the house. We were unsuccessful today.

I downloaded the Random Text and Calls mod by Kuttoe and I’m SUPER EXCITED for these knew pop ups!

Although… I’m not sure I want to give out my bank account number.



Cowplant died again. We’ll see how long it lasts this time lol

Homework buddies!

I love their opposite reactions. Emily is totally happy and Gordon looks sad lol

Ooooh. Political Calls.


Achievement unlocked! We’ve maxed the logic skill!

Good thing this isn’t a whims challenge otherwise I would feel obligated to do this.

But I’m content with just the two kids. 🙂

Woohoo! Goal complete!

They are so freaking cute!

She’s still not let us adopt her… sooooooo

Oh yes! Go for it Akira!

Sorry. I’ve been scammed once already in this chapter. So no.

Suki went to cry in the closet. Apparently a friend of hers died. So we’re crying our closet like an adult.

Okay so I ended up cheating Rhea into the family because I’m not sure we’ll be able to get her in naturally before this rotation is over. Or that I would remember next time. Or if she would even be alive next time.

So we just cheated her into the house.

Sue me

4am rolls around and the whole house is asleep. Even Rhea!

This was actually a pretty eventful chapter! Join us next time for some birthdays!

Chapter 1.3

Hello! Welcome back to the Lockwood’s! Let’s get right into the fun!

Also, I just noticed that Pierce and Gordon have the same hair cut lol

Not gonna lie, I completely forgot that we had this lol

Pierce unlocked a new aspiration! Sweet!

Bills came. We can’t afford them…

Good thing they both work today.

This little guy, just finished maxing all his skills! He’s fully loaded now!

Emily aged up! She’s a chonker! I love it!

Gemma? What are you wearing? I didn’t dress you like that!

But at least you’re keeping with your color lol

Pierce got a promotion! Woohoo!

We got to the part of his aspiration that he needs to grow a cowplant. So here we are!

Oops. I forgot to pay the bills lol

*pays bills*

Promotion! Woohoo!

Great job, Suki!

So this happened. I’ve never seen this phone call before!

So obviously, I said count me in!

So Suki was whisked off to a secret location to compete

This is so cool

I hope she doesn’t die lol

I missed the candle blowing because of 3 speed, but it’s Gordon’s birthday!

Suki is still gone. She’s been gone for a few hours now.

And here he is after his makeover! He’s actually really cute!

Suki lost.

Not surprisingly lol

Whomp whomp.

Also, don’t let Emily fool you. Her energy bar is just as low

See? Told you

This is a problem. I can’t feed the cowplant if it’s not GROWN.

Annoying game AI

Hey look! One of my kids is actually using his desk to do his homework! Most of the time they just do it on the kitchen table or on the floor.


Father/son fishing time! Gotta get some fertilizer! Since APPARENTLY the stuff you buy in Henford-On-Bagley doesn’t work on regular plants! Annoying.

Poor Gordon spent too much time fishing…


Our cowplant finally grew up! Now we can complete our work from home task!

It’s Pierce’s birthday! Welcome to adulting adulthood!

Pierce: Gross.

Yeah, I agree

Emily is now master of all her skills! Top Notch toddler here!

8am Sunday rolls around again and the family is just getting their day started. Join us next time for hopefully a complete aspiration (doubtful…) and hopefully less passing out lol

Chapter 1.2

Hello and welcome back to the Lockwood’s! We start this chapter off with Pierce messing around on the computer.

And Suki looks like she’s just got home from work. Which is weird because it’s Sunday morning and she doesn’t even work on the weekends…

And then there’s Gordon just doing baby things.

Loaded in and we’ve switched seasons from the last chapter, so all of our plants just dropped their produce and peaced out

Pierce needs some logic for his career, so we ended up with chess table lol

Why are you mad? You’re the one who broke it!

Ahhh yes. Love that noncommittal thing…

At least it’s not about Suki! 😉

Suki gets the wonderful task of upgrading all of our stuff. So have fun with that!

I’ll have you know, he’s not cleaned a day in his life. So this is a lie.

Monday, I decided to follow Suki to work.

Okay, it was an accident. I didn’t want too.

But here we are!

Caleb ended up breaking TWO computers while we were there…

And we ended the day with a promotion! Woohoo!

Now we can afford our bills!

Well that happened.

We did some updates to the kitchen.

Kitchens are EXPENSIVE.

And apparently the new counters didn’t count for rebate day. I CALL BULL

Pierce got a promotion!

Gordon had a birthday! I love his eyes! He’s got his mamma’s eyes and dad’s hair. And he’s freaking adorable!

So we expanded the basement and moved the kid down there.

I feel a little terrible to kick the kid into the basement, but I like my house layout upstairs lol

I decided it was time for another baby. Pierce looks sad about it while Suki looks pissed.

Sorry fam

And we’re expecting! Woohoo!

Oh yes. Morning sickness. Poor Suki

She broke the toilet after this…

This guy keeps calling us asking to come over or asking us to go hang out with him. Kinda annoying because I don’t even know how we know him…

Independent toddlers for the win!

lol Gordon is sleeping with a plate. Kid is going to be a glutton for SURE

Pierce got a promotion! Woohoo! More money!

Which is good, because we have a dead apple tree to revive lol

AND we needed to buy a microscope for our work from home task.

…years later and I’m still upset that the microscope is fucking huge.

It’s baby time!

Poor Suki is having a terrible time at the moment.

Thank goodness the hospital will fix most of that!

Ghost count: 1

And the ghost count stays at 1!

And it’s a girl! Everyone, meet Emily!

Also, Pierce hung out in the hallway the whole time lol

Gordon’s skills are coming along nicely since he only needs to finish the potty skill. And he still has three days until his birthday.

8am Sunday comes around and we’re saying goodbye to the Lockwood’s for this chapter. Join us next time for more fun times! …Or at least gardening. There will definitely be gardening.

Chapter 1.1

Hello! Welcome to my attempt at a Lifestyle legacy! Here’s our founder Pierce Lockwood! (He’s actually a kid from my 100 baby challenge!)

And here’s the wonderful house I built for him.

I hate building…

The inside is pretty boring since I rand out of money to finish lol

This generation is all about gardening, so we got him a job in the gardening career.

And he level jumped to level 3. So yay!

This neighborhood had the bags NAP, so we’re going to get rid of that because nothing is worse than the bags.

…except the sharing is caring.

But for spouse hunting… bags are terrible lol

Look at Mr Duane Talla rocking out on the guitar in his bag!

While collecting signatures, Pierce started burning to death! WE CAN’T KILL OUR FOUNDER ON THE FIRST DAY!

So we quickly changed into our warm weather wear and saved ourselves lol

We got started on our garden!

Super random: but why is that guy YELLOW?




So I investigated and it looks like he’s one of those guys that walks around San Myshuno.


Also, I forgot that we get points for living off the grid, so I forgot that I had added the off-the-grid lot trait. And then bought a lot of stuff that requires power… So I think I’m going to lose those points because I can’t be bothered with the hassle lol

So we removed the lot trait. NOW LET THERE BE LIGHT!

Monday came and we don’t have work today so we went to find the spouse I have picked out for him.

Also, super promising that there’s an urn on the lot lol

Everyone meet Suki!

Who was flirty when we got here.

So wooing her should be a piece of cake lol


piece of cake!

And that’s the quickest we’ve filled the romance bar ever. Now we just need to fill the friendship bar and we’re good to propose lol

Also, super cute that they have the same PJ bottoms, just in different colors lol

And after a few stargazing sessions, we’re at a high enough friendship to propose!

She said yes and we eloped right away even without knowing a single trait of Suki’s lol

Here’s Suki after her makeover!

Also, weirdly, apparently Suki is a disallowed word on the gallery since it won’t let me upload her. Not that I was actually going to upload her, but it was a popup when I left CAS lol

ANYWHO! We wasted no time making nooboos

BOOM baby incoming!

To help with the bills, we signed Suki up for the scientist career. I won’t ever go with her to work, but she’ll at least be able to earn easy promotions with little help from me lol

ohmygosh they are so cute!

Pierce got a promotion!

Can I just say how much I love Suki? I’m really glad that we were able to nab her.

Baby time!

So we were off to the hospital!

It’s a boy! Welcome to the family, Gordon!

(I’m currently watching Hell’s Kitchen, so his name was definitely NOT inspired by Gordon Ramsay lol)

Uh oh. Pierce is sick. Better buy some medicine ASAP

Pierce got another promotion! This one came with a cowplant berry! That will come in handy when we get to that part of his aspiration!

This lady invited herself over and into our house. She has the lowest relationship with Pierce you can imagine and she’s not even IN Suki’s relationship panel.

Though, she is Suki’s coworker, so maybe that’s why? But still weird to just invite yourself into your coworker’s house when you don’t even know them lol

Look at our colorful kitchen! I love it hahaha!

8am Sunday comes around and our little family enjoys sleeping in after a long week.

And that brings us to the end of this chapter! Join us next time for more family fun!