Chapter 1.2

Hello and welcome back to the Lockwood’s! We start this chapter off with Pierce messing around on the computer.

And Suki looks like she’s just got home from work. Which is weird because it’s Sunday morning and she doesn’t even work on the weekends…

And then there’s Gordon just doing baby things.

Loaded in and we’ve switched seasons from the last chapter, so all of our plants just dropped their produce and peaced out

Pierce needs some logic for his career, so we ended up with chess table lol

Why are you mad? You’re the one who broke it!

Ahhh yes. Love that noncommittal thing…

At least it’s not about Suki! 😉

Suki gets the wonderful task of upgrading all of our stuff. So have fun with that!

I’ll have you know, he’s not cleaned a day in his life. So this is a lie.

Monday, I decided to follow Suki to work.

Okay, it was an accident. I didn’t want too.

But here we are!

Caleb ended up breaking TWO computers while we were there…

And we ended the day with a promotion! Woohoo!

Now we can afford our bills!

Well that happened.

We did some updates to the kitchen.

Kitchens are EXPENSIVE.

And apparently the new counters didn’t count for rebate day. I CALL BULL

Pierce got a promotion!

Gordon had a birthday! I love his eyes! He’s got his mamma’s eyes and dad’s hair. And he’s freaking adorable!

So we expanded the basement and moved the kid down there.

I feel a little terrible to kick the kid into the basement, but I like my house layout upstairs lol

I decided it was time for another baby. Pierce looks sad about it while Suki looks pissed.

Sorry fam

And we’re expecting! Woohoo!

Oh yes. Morning sickness. Poor Suki

She broke the toilet after this…

This guy keeps calling us asking to come over or asking us to go hang out with him. Kinda annoying because I don’t even know how we know him…

Independent toddlers for the win!

lol Gordon is sleeping with a plate. Kid is going to be a glutton for SURE

Pierce got a promotion! Woohoo! More money!

Which is good, because we have a dead apple tree to revive lol

AND we needed to buy a microscope for our work from home task.

…years later and I’m still upset that the microscope is fucking huge.

It’s baby time!

Poor Suki is having a terrible time at the moment.

Thank goodness the hospital will fix most of that!

Ghost count: 1

And the ghost count stays at 1!

And it’s a girl! Everyone, meet Emily!

Also, Pierce hung out in the hallway the whole time lol

Gordon’s skills are coming along nicely since he only needs to finish the potty skill. And he still has three days until his birthday.

8am Sunday comes around and we’re saying goodbye to the Lockwood’s for this chapter. Join us next time for more fun times! …Or at least gardening. There will definitely be gardening.