Chapter 1.5

Hello! And welcome back to a new chapter of my Lifestyle Legacy! Look at little Gordon getting excited about our frog collection!

Too bad it’s not a complete collection!


We start this chapter off with a birthday! C’mon Suki, join the adults!

Look at her! She’s rockin’ the new life stage!

As someone who looks through microscopes on a daily basis, I can relate to this lol

Everyone meet the newest member of our family, Rook! I’ve never played with the mating in cats and dogs, and we have the space in the house… So we’re going to have kittens!

Oh Pierce… hunny, no. Maybe try the bed?

I’ve literally never done this! THIS IS SO GREAT!

Oh yay!

I don’t even know how long pets are pregnant in this game

I guess we’ll find out!

Rook is frisky. Which basically means he has the zoomies 24/7

Sure, knock yourself out Akira. I don’t think it’ll work though.

I’m sorry, but this might be a pet legacy now. They’re just so cute and I can’t stop following them around and taking pictures!


And both Pierce and Suki are at work…

Everyone meet Jim and Jane! The newest family members!

They look exactly like Rook… lol

I did give one of them up though. I want to have Rhea and Rook have another kitten, so we needed space.

And Jim is a complete clone of Rook. Jane at least has Rhea’s fluffy fur and face shape with Rooks coloring.

So we had to say good bye to Jim.

Pierce got his final promotion! He’s at the max of his career! Woohoo!!

Birthday time!

Look at that cutie!

He’s ready to take the reins!

…If he wins the heir poll that is…

Rhea and Jane are NOT fans of the oven.

Rook, on the other hand, is on his way to sit and watch Suki cook

Oh come on, not on the counters! We eat there!

This may look like a scary attack photo, but I promise they’re just playing around.

At least I hope so

Suki… I think Rhea wants your veggie dog…

Woo! Kitten incoming!

As a teen, it was time for Gordon to have a more “teen” looking room

Would you look at that! We’ve completed the Frog collection!


Since the next heir needs to do a city living career, and most of them require the charisma skill, so Gordon is working on that to give him a head start.

Emily will do it to when she ages up.

Want to give both of them a head start.


I didn’t even know we had a NAP that required the eco inspector. So we deleted the sim and the NAP.

Kitten time!! Woo!

Welcome to the family, Larry!

So I switched around the cubes that kept disappearing into our inventory with the upper cabinet parts and now they don’t disappear.


It’s Summerfest so no one has to go to work or school. And I found them hanging out in the living room for some family time! How cute!

We have an outdoor patio now! Woohoo!

Jane aged up! She’s s full kitty now!

Rook and Larry just hanging out watching Gordon cook.

They reeeeeeally love the stoves lol

Gordon’s birthday was on Monday but it took us until Thursday to have our first day of high school lol

We missed the uniform memo…

Oh man… Tate’s not at career day this time! So sad!

Don’t look so bored, Gordon! Your classmate is cute! You should chat her up!

Spoiler: I’ve already decided that she’s going to be his spouse lol

Larry aged up! Look at the little fluff ball! He’s got Rhea’s fur and coloring and Rook’s face structure and eyes.

Quite the mix!

Oh no! Rooky! Not the red nose and paws!!

*buys wellness treats*

Hey look who came home from school with Gordon!

Look happier, Gordon! You’re gonna marry this girl!

Mr. Grumpy pants gets over his issues long enough to be able to make some moves on Jordan

They did end up boyfriend and girlfriend before Jordan left so we were successful with our moves

Oh my god, Emily! I’ve been completely neglecting you this chapter!

To be fair, she hasn’t done much except homework, a school project, go to school, eat and sleep.

So she was pretty boring…

But she starts high school next week, so hopefully she’ll be more interesting lol

More Emily: Pierce helps Emily with her homework. Well technically it’s extra credit because the girl is a homework addict and does her homework autonomously so I don’t have to tell her to do it

Hey Suki, maybe instead of researching the plants, you TEND the plants? Huh? I see some trees that need some tending.


We don’t even HAVE an urn!

This is Suki’s ex-coworker. So obviously we said yes

Oh no! Poor Pierce!

I guess this is what happens when I making him use the



I wasn’t actually planning on going… But now! Sign me up!

Gemma, please! We can’t be traveling to the Romance festival! We have prom!

CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Naughty Rhea!

About time! Now we have to get the rest of the cats to learn this…

Oh man… we’re ALL just struggling right now…

Prom time! Look at how cute they are!

We headed to the pier for the after prom party and ended up seeing Chris there! Hi Chris!

I mean, we can’t go to the pier without taking a ride, ya know?

Boy, you KNOW you two have already “messed around” right? Just kiss her already!

“start of something special”


Not like they weren’t already together

Morgan gave an impromptu violin performance.

This guy was not impressed

Mr. Squinty eyes

I’m absolutely LOVING the colors on the water!

Uhhhh, Wolfgang? What are you doing?

Back home, Emily is being a SUPER CREEPY STALKER.

This is the scariest thing I’ve seen

Put up our prom photos! ❤

4am Sunday rolls around and the boys are sleeping and the girls are having a late night hangout session. And the cats are just all over the place.

So that brings us to the end of this chapter. Which turned out a lot longer then I had anticipated lol but join us next time for a couple birthdays, more school, more gardening, and maybe a new completed collection? You’ll have to come back to find out!
